Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Character Intro's and About the Blog

I decided to start this blog as a place for me to keep past role-plays and to reminisce in them as well. Some are not that great from MY writing and you can tell I was first starting out. I like to think they have gotten better over time and I hope they can continue to get better as well.
I did receive permission from others creators to post the role-plays here.

Mila AutumnFacebook
(Continuing character)
Mila is my 100 baby challenge mother. I write another blog here for her and her story/challenge. I do not usually role play with her but have at times in the past with friends. 

(Mila Autumn)

Pandora FawnFacebook
(My first ever role play character and first to enter the community. Pandora is who I learned to role play with and who was the one I learned the do's and don'ts of rp and making friends in the community. I have just recently stopped using Pandora as I lost my excitement for her story.)

Pandora is my albino human character. She is originally from Amsterdam. She was 23 when she entered the community. Pandora lived in Amsterdam until she was 5 years old. Her mother was taken and though to have been killed. Pandora's father moved the two of them to Hollywood, California. It was there he taught Pandora how to fight and how to use guns and knives among other weapons. Pandora is also a psychic as well as Clairvoyant. She can see things before they happen as well as pick up on memories or emotions from touching someone. Her best friends were Avalon, Phoenix and Archer. The spider tattoo that covered her breast and chest had meaning and her mother had the same tattoo. She was known for her white pasty skin, rail thin body and her sexual personality. 


(Pandora Fawn)

Aurora TrinityFacebook

(My second role play character who had a personality very different from Pandora. She made friends a lot easier and was better liked in the community. I am still using her as a character today.)

Aurora is a Mermaid/ Siren. She joined the community just before her 21st birthday. Her purple colored eyes are what makes her stand out.
Aurora's father came to see her on her 21st birthday and told her that she was a mermaid. Her father is a chemist and worked with doctors. He claims the pills he made her take daily were making her forget everything and causing the changes not to happen. The more she thought about it, it kind of made sense. It seems the days she forgot to take the medication were the days she had vivid dreams about the sea. She even woke up outside a few times. All of that time her father had lied to her. He told her that her Iron levels were low so that she would take the stupid pills. She honestly doesn't understand how he brainwashed her and suppressed those memories, and made her believe they were dreams. Her father never answered questions Aurora asked about her mother. The only other thing Aurora's father gave her on her birthday was a box that was filled with old journals that belonged to her mother. Aurora would later find out her mother was a mermaid as well and left and surrendered to the ocean. 
The anchor necklace Aurora wears is a gift her mother left her when she returned to the sea and Aurora never takes it off. 
Aurora has nightmares of the ocean. Bad dreams of herself and her younger self in the sea. She constantly hears a lullaby calling her out to the ocean. Dreams of blood on her hands. Dreams of bodies, dead bodies spread about in a cove.
She had strong feelings for someone once. 

(Aurora Trinity)

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