Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pandora meets Serena, Jez and Willow

Serena CooperI sit on the bench, the air is freezing, but of course I can't feel it. I see Jezebel walking over towards me, shivering. "Hey, you know, they make thicker jackets." I giggle as you toss me a dirty look, sitting beside me. "The redhead should be here soon. Her name is Willow. She's sweet."

Willow HunterI prefer the term copper colored hair *does dramatic hair flip*

Serena Cooper"You are totally a redhead."

Jezebel Marie Perez"I heard redheads have no soul," I said quite loudly.

Willow Hunter"You should see my son Alexander. He has fire engine red hair. It's gingers with no soul"

Serena CooperI giggle, clutching a stitch in my side. Willow does not look amused by this comment. "Well, she is a vampire. I am pretty sure she/doesn’t/ have a soul."
I look up at you, stifling my laughter. "I mean, do you?"

Willow Hunter"Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm soulless! I think..."

Jezebel Marie Perez"You got your point there," I laughed absentmindedly. "You born vampire? Or did you get bitten?" I asked Willow.

Willow Hunter"Born Vampire "

Jezebel Marie Perez"That's awesome! I've always been interested in the supernatural and their ways."

Serena Cooper"I don't have a soul." i mumble quietly. "Mine is with Pierce. Where ever he is."
Jezebel is still shivering and I start to think maybe the park wasn't such a good idea.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Well, I hope Pierce takes good care of it."

Serena Cooper"Do you want to go inside somewhere Bell?"

Jezebel Marie PerezA sudden gust of icy cold wind hit my face as I nodded my head. Inside sounded like an excellent idea.

Willow Hunter"I love snow, but it's freezing outside"

Jezebel Marie PerezI looked at my phone's weather app. "it’s 25 degrees out. Yah, it's cold," I confirmed.

Serena Cooperi shrug, my inability to feel pain makes hot and cold obsolete.
"Okay, so where to then ladies?"

Willow Hunter"Not a bar," I laugh "Austin hates it when I go because some drunken asshole always tries to hit on me"

Serena CooperI cringe.
"No bars, please. I went to one last night with a friend. I'm good on bars for a while."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Well, you are stunning. Or maybe it's just your vampireness kicking in," I joked. 

Willow HunterI shrug casually "It's both. Humans are subconsciously drawn to vampires. Makes it easier to feed"

Serena CooperI smirk. At least you can't eat me.

Jezebel Marie Perez"F-feed?" My eyes widened in fear. "I-I thought you only drank those stupid plasma juices?" I stuttered.

Willow Hunter"I wouldn't eat you anyways," I stick my tongue out at Serena.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Am I not good enough for you?" I smirked, winking.
"Not my fault for being the only mortal."

Serena CooperI giggle uncontrollably at Bell's comment and Willow's expression.

Willow Hunter"I typically only drink Plasma juice, as do my husband and kids. Every now and then though, from a willing donor, blood is needed," I laugh. "And you do smell delicious"

Jezebel Marie Perez"A willing donor. I love the way you say that."

Serena Cooper"Jezebel. Stop being so delicious. This chick is going to eat you as a snack." I pull open the door to the coffee shop we have found ourselves in front of. "I'll buy if you guys are thirsty."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Mocha Frap for me please."

Willow Hunter"Well it's technically Illegal, I guess you'd call it, if you take blood from someone who's not willing. And I'm good. Hate the plasma this place serves"

Jezebel Marie Perez"I guess that keeps you guys from murdering people?" I joked, sitting down at one of the tables. I beckon both Willow and Serena over and they take the seats next to me.

Serena CooperI shrug, "Okay then. I will get something for the two of us"

Jezebel Marie Perez"So, what do you guys do in your free time?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

Serena CooperI walk up to the counter and place the order. The guy’s stares at me, making my skin crawl. What is with all these skeevy losers and their staring issues? I grab the drinks and come back over, catching Jezebels question.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Thanks," I mutter, sipping my drink. Maybe I shouldn't of ordered a cold drink. . .

Serena Cooper"I haven't found anything worth doing just yet in this town."
I smile at Jezebel as she shivers in her thin jacket and jeans. Drinking a cold drink. What a dork.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Stop looking at me like that," I insisted. "Not my fault the weather man lied to me."

Serena CooperI grin. "He LIED to you? How did he lie to you? Jezebel Marie it was snowing this afternoon. It's 7 at night."
I look over at Willow, She hadn’t said much yet.

Jezebel Marie Perez"I- uh," I stuttered, looking down to my cup. “He just did, ok?"
Never trusting the stupid weather freaking man again," I muttered. Truth was, I was just being a lazy ass and forgot about the date that was planned for tonight. I had just slipped on whatever I could find when Serena rang the doorbell. Way to go, Bell. Way. To. Go.

Serena CooperI laughed at you. You were completely ditzy like always. And I could tell you forgot about me when i showed up because you answered the door putting on socks."Uh huh. Bell, i think maybe you need to pay more attention." I winked at you.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Yah, yah. I know."
"Why'd you poke me, Serena?" I rubbed my arm as I made a face at her. "That hurt more than it was supposed to."

Serena CooperI laughed and poked you again, laughing. "Don't be a baby. It so didn’t hurt that bad."

Serena CooperI clear my throat, looking at Willow expectantly. "Why are you being so quiet Vampire?"

Willow Hunter"Oh sorry," I chuckled and start fiddling with my hair "guess I just zoned out" I check my phone and sigh

Serena CooperI smirk. “I think she wants to eat you Bell."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Dammit," I cursed, holding back a laugh.

Willow Hunter"She does smell yummy" I chuckle and Wink at Jezebel
"Seriously though, no worries. I won't eat you... Today,"

Jezebel Marie PerezI push my chair as far back from Willow as I can.
"Today. Hopefully never."

Serena CooperI sigh, leaning back and drinking my coffee. Which is once again, a pointless thing to do? Caffeine doesn’t affect me anymore then alcohol does. "So what’s your story Willow?"

Willow HunterI almost fall over laughing.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Yah, what is your story?"

Willow Hunter"Define story,"

Serena CooperI raise an eyebrow. "Why did you move away from Appaloosa Plains? The whole story?" jezebel leans in with interest.

Willow Hunter"The long version or the short version?"
The long version could take quite a while"

Serena CooperI glance at Jezebel. "I've got time if she does. Long."

Jezebel Marie Perez"We have time. This place doesn't close 'till late. Long version."

Serena CooperWe exchange a glance. We think alike too much sometimes.

Willow HunterI sigh heavily and lean back "Well I was born in Sunset Valley. Naomi and Damien Hunter are my parents. My father was born a vampire, but after he married my mother and had me he took an exiler to turn himself human."

Serena CooperI raise an eyebrow. I didn’t even know such a thing exists. I wish there was an elixir to make me human. Or an angel again. I hope someday my day will come.

Jezebel Marie Perez"A vampire giving up his immortally. Interesting."

Willow Hunter"We moved to Appaloosa Plains because my younger sister Pandora was getting bullied in school, My mom's dogs died and she was pregnant with twins and wanted them to have a better start."

Serena CooperMy eyes gloss over. I wish more than anything to have a baby. Something that will never be possible for me.

Willow Hunter"Things were normal after that. Just your average family living in Appaloosa Plains. I went to a school for gifted kids in hidden springs for most of my high school years,"

Jezebel Marie Perez"I used to live in hidden springs. Wonder why we didn't meet"

Willow Hunter"High school is where I met my husband, Austin... and where my youngest Sister met Trevor."

Serena Cooper"I've never been to Hidden Springs!"

Willow Hunter"I was really shy back then. I didn't talk to people much. Then I should invite you to my home sometime!"

Jezebel Marie Perez"It's a really beautiful place," I said, remembering all the memories of my hometown. It seemed so long ago. . .
"That would defiantly be a treat!" I said, smiling. Willow did say something about having a son. If he took after Willow, he would be quite the eye candy.

Serena Cooper"I saw Austin I think, in your pictures. He is gorgeous."
I put my hands up. "Not hitting on your husband by any means."

Willow Hunter"On Echo's 13th birthday Austin's father died. We still don't know how it happened. After that Austin disappeared until I turned 18. Then my biological clock froze, and Austin took me and my parents to France for a vacation. Where he proposed to me, and where his mortal life ended."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Oh, Serena. Stop it!"

Willow HunterI laugh "I know. Don't worry"

Jezebel Marie Perez"He was a mortal? That's really uh, cool."

Serena CooperI blush, glaring at Bell. She should know there isn’t a guy in this world i would be interested in after Pierce.
"So he is your soul mate?" i ask longingly.

Willow Hunter"Yeah, he decided to become a vampire like me and his parents actually come to think of it. I've never understood how two vampires can have a mortal child,"
"If he's not then I'm not interested in whoever is. Austin... he's everything to me,"

Jezebel Marie Perez"How is that even possible?" I asked. I tried to remember all the things I had learned about vampires. If they both were vampires, their children had to be vampires as well, right?

Serena Cooper"It's possible," I mutter

Jezebel Marie Perez"Mind explaining?"
I sipped the last bit of my drink before shooting it into the trash can, only to miss.

Serena Cooper"Some of Pierces ancestors were mortal with vampire blood"

Jezebel Marie PerezI hurriedly picked it up and threw it away in embarrassment.

Serena CooperI look away, i hate talking about him.
I nod.
And laugh quietly at your clumsiness. We were two of a kind.

Willow Hunter"Wow, that's interesting,"

Jezebel Marie Perez"I know you hate talking about him."
"But why did you lose your wings?"

Serena Cooper"Yeah, it happens though."
I groan. "You KNOW why.

Jezebel Marie Perez"But what I don't know is if you're ever going to get them back."

Serena Cooper"You have broken the most important rule of the Guardians, you revealed who you truly are to a mortal."
I roll my eyes. "I'm stupid."

Willow HunterI laugh a little. They were just like sisters... I closed my eyes for a moment trying to stop the tears.

Serena CooperI glance at you. "There is NO chance in hell I am ever getting my wings back Bell. That's impossible."

Willow Hunter
"I reveal myself to humans all the time and the council hasn't done anything to me. That's probably because I'm on it but that's not the point."

Serena CooperI look at Willow, she looks irreparably sad. I put my hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Jezebel Marie Perez"There's gotta be some way to get your wings back," I mutter. "Trail? Anything?"

Willow Hunter"I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." I chuckle sadly.

Serena CooperI raise an eyebrow, "Willow, you're on the council? Of vampires? That’s terrifying."
"BELL. No. You know what they told me. I'm hopeless. I am 'doomed to live forever without the man i fell in love with'. It's my punishment for being an idiot."

Jezebel Marie Perez"I-I am sorry,"
I look around the slowly emptying room and give Serena a tight squeeze on the shoulder.

Willow Hunter
"It's not that bad. It's just a bunch of cranky old geezers-" I stop mid-sentence. "I'm so sorry you have to go through that Serena,"

Serena CooperI shrug and sigh. "There's nothing I can do. I wish i could earn my wings back but even if I do, I can't have Pierce. So what’s the point?"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Cranky old geezers? What does the council even do?"
I'm curious about this subject and my mouth speaks before I have a chance to process what I'm saying.
"Are there other councils?"

Serena CooperI lean in, curious and glad for a change of subject.

Jezebel Marie Perez"What do they control?"

Willow Hunter"The council is made up of the last of the pureblood vampires. We don't do much aside from regulate vampiric activity and keep vampires in line

Serena Cooper"The Council of the Guardians controls exactly what it sounds like. Guardian Angels. That is the only one I knew existed."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Is there a higher up power?"

Willow Hunter"There's a council for every supernatural being. They control and regulate the affairs of their species"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Like, someone higher than the councils?"

Serena CooperI look at you. I have heard of something along those lines in tales passed down to Pierce. But I don’t say anything

Willow Hunter"For vampires, no. Overall, not to my knowledge."

Serena Cooper"The Guardians are the elitist of the Angels. But I think they have someone watching over them I was an angel for a hundred years before I lost my wings"

Jezebel Marie Perez"There are fables going around in my family. Tales that have been passed down generation by generation about a supreme being. Someone who controls the universe. All of the universes."
"They're probably just all made up," I said, smirking. It was interesting to learn what was going on behind the curtain.

Willow Hunter"I didn't finish saying why I left Appaloosa Plains, come to think of it."
"Care to hear the rest?"

Serena Cooper"of course!"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Yes"

Willow Hunter"Ok," I laugh at Serena's enthusiasm. "Well after a while Austin and I got married. Once again thing continued on as they would in a normal family. Aside from my sister Pandora being insanely jealous of me." I shake my head remembering her. It was so silly of her to have envied me.

Serena CooperI can see why she envied you, but i d not comment.

Willow Hunter"Eventually my mom passed away, and soon after Austin and I decided to try to have a baby, but when I was two months pregnant my dad passed away too."

Jezebel Marie Perez"I'm so sorry. That seemed to have happened all so suddenly."

Willow HunterI inhale deeply trying to compose myself before I continued.

Serena Cooper"It really did, I am so sorry for your loss. I never really knew my parents. They were... into some bad stuff.

Jezebel Marie PerezThe sudden thought of my parents suddenly going sent a shiver down my spine and a spark or fear through my body.

Serena CooperI hear my phone go off, and it's a ringtone I don’t quite recognize. I look down at it and smile. It's a text from Pandora. She wants to know where I am.

Willow Hunter"It wasn't really sudden. They had gotten old by then. I forgot to mention my sister Echo got married and had two twin girls. And Pandora and Draco, Echo's twin, moved out. It had been their time, but you're never really ready to lose your parents."

Serena CooperI look up at the two of you. "Is it okay if my friend Pandora joins us? I will buy another round of drinks? Except you willow." i say with a wink.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you, Willow."

Willow Hunter"I don't mind. The more the merrier,"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Sure, why not."

Willow Hunter"It's totally fine."

Serena CooperI head outside to wait for Pandora, excited.

Serena CooperI head outside to meet Pandora. Excited to see her again. The other night had been a blast and I missed her.
I stood outside, the snow softly falling around me, and it felt amazing.

Pandora FawnPulling into a parking spot at the coffee shop I exited my baby and looked up. standing next to the door, her gray eyes looking for me I saw her. "Serena" I called out as I walked towards her, the snow had given me a bit of a chill as I pulled my leather jacket tighter.

Serena CooperI grinned and rushed over to you, hugging you close. "Hey, there are a couple friends of mine inside. I think you'll like them!" I grab your hand and lead you towards the door. "What would you like to drink?"

Pandora Fawn"Hot chocolate for me." I said with a smile. I did my best to follow you as your ruched towards the door, excited for me to meet these new people. As you pulled it open I took a glance in, a few people scattered here and there. A table to the side had two females sitting at it. One with longer brown hair and one with red hair, her skin so pale. "That table?" I asked before she Serena could pull me there.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Hey there!" I said, putting out my hand. "The name's Jezebel. Nice to meet you!"

Willow Hunter"Pandora Fawn... I've heard a lot about you. I'm Willow Hunter." I say with a large smirk on my face.

Pandora FawnTaking the brown haired girls hand in mine I gave it a shake. "You must be the Jezebel that Serena talks so much about." My smile warmed.
Turning to the red head I gave a smile "Hopefully good things about me, it is nice to meet you as well Willow.”

Serena CooperI smile, Bell obviously had it handled. I walked back up to the counter and placed another order, ordering Willow a plasma juice anyway. She would drink it and like it. I'm sure she was thirsty. The guy behind the counter once again had a staring problem and i had half a mind to tell Pandora to tell him to screw off, but i didn't. I leaned against the counter and waited patiently, my ears perking up at their conversation

Willow Hunter"I can't imagine why it'd be anything bad, and I heard you order that Plasma Juice Serena" I laugh and raise my voice slightly. I knew full well she was listening in.

Pandora Fawn"I have a bit of a reputation, it is not a great one. So long as you don't care or don't judge then we are good." I flashed a smile to Willow.
"Have the three of you been friends long??" I asked

Serena CooperI smirk, taking the drinks from the guy behind the counter and carrying them over to the table and see Jezebel's eyes widen. Some of the espresso i had ordered spilled on my hand and the skin was bright red. I set the drinks down, giving out a fake 'owww.'

Jezebel Marie Perez"Since I was 18, so two years for Serena and I. I just met Willow today though."

Serena CooperI rolled with the conversation, answering her quickly. "I just met Willow, but I've known Bell for a couple of years now."

Jezebel Marie Perez" A couple years too many," I joked, poking Serena in the stomach.

Pandora Fawn"Are you okay Serena?" I asked noticing the red skin, her oww as heard throughout the cafe.
"That is great you guys have known each other, looks like Willow and I are the new comers then. "

Serena CooperI slap at your hand, the red mark on mine completely gone now. "Quit poking my fat. I will hit you Bell." I look at you, unamused.

Jezebel Marie PerezI blushed, poking you once more. "Hey, you're the one who said you had fat."

Serena CooperI look at Pandora. "I'm fine.” I smile, hiding my hand.

Willow HunterI laugh at Serena and Jezebel. "You two act like you're sisters."

Pandora FawnWatching the two of you go back and forth makes my eyebrow rise. "I was just about to say the same thing Willow

Serena CooperI look at Willow, hoping she will change the subject. "You ready to finish your story red?"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Sometimes it seems like we are."
"Come on!" I encourage. "Finish the story, for us?"

Serena CooperI nod, "It really does. I'm stuck with this bitch."

Willow Hunter"My hair is copper colored, not red," I grumble slightly. "Alright I will. Pandora I hope you don't mind but we've just gotten to the good part of my backstory when you arrived," I laugh winking at her

Jezebel Marie Perez"Says the one that farts in the sleep."

Pandora Fawn"I do not mind at all, continue" I smiled at all three of them.

Serena CooperMy mouth drops open. I pinch Jezebel, Hard, under the table.

Jezebel Marie PerezI remembered the time when Serena had spent the night. I didn't get a wink of sleep. The couch wasn't very comfortable and my room stu- "Ouch! That hurt! I was just telling them a story!"
"You're so uptight sometimes," I giggled at Serena, earning another pinch.

Willow HunterI laugh and inwardly winced as I got ready to continue. "Well after both of my parents passed away my sister Echo was hit hard with depression. So Austin and I didn't plan on moving out until our son was born. My sister and her husband got into a really nasty fight right around when Alexander was born... Trevor stormed off in a mad rage. We didn't hear from him or anything about him in over a week"

Serena CooperI leaned in, curious. "Where did he go?"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Poor Echo. Depression really. Just.... sucks."

Pandora Fawn"I will put pieces together as you go. Congrats on the son, bet he is a cutie." I smiled and I continued to listen.

Willow Hunter"Honestly we still don't know where he went... but when he came back. He came back a vampire... He burnt to a crisp right in front of my sister's eyes." I shuddered slightly as I remembered everything that had happened that day. I still couldn't get my sister's screams out of my head.

Serena CooperI shuddered, imagining the agony she must of felt. Fuck, i KNEW the agony she felt. I knew what it was like to have the love of your life ripped away. "I- I'm sorry. Poor Echo." i choked on my words.

Jezebel Marie PerezI shuddered in shock, my jaw opening. Just to have a loved one ripped away from your life so carelessly? I couldn't imagine what Echo had gone through. Or what Serena had gone through either.
'I'm terribly sorry," I finally managed to choke out, my voice barely audible.

Pandora Fawn"That is horrible. I am sorry you had to see that. How is your sister dealing with things?" Sympathy in my voice. Hearing Serena choke on her words made me wonder how worked up the story had gotten her or if it was her own memory. Poor Jezebel seemed to take it hard as well.

Willow HunterMy face went stone cold as I laughed humorlessly. "Don't feel too sorry for her," I glared down at my plasma juice and tried not to crush it in my hands. "After Trevor died Echo went off the deep end. She went mad with depression and paranoia. She began to despise all vampire kind because of what happened to Trevor. I was not excluded from her hatred."

Serena CooperI raised an eyebrow. That did not sound good by any means. Family turning against one another. Jesus.
"Did you leave Appaloosa because of her?"

Jezebel Marie Perez'You hear about all the family drama on TV shows, not in real life. That's messed up."
I wondered what it would be like if my brother had turned on me because of something that was out of my control. I kept drumming my fingers on the table, deep in thought.

Pandora FawnThe hate in Willows voice was not hard to miss; her and her sister must have really gotten into it. "Did you get caught in the crossfire of her hate?" I asked adding to the questions.

Willow Hunter"That's putting mildly," I scoffed. My eyes never leaving the small cup of plasma juice in front of me. "After that my sister locked me and my husband away in the basement of her home... and kept my son hostage for nine long years," I snarled under my breath.

Serena CooperMy eyes widened. The terrible things people do to each other. His face flashed in my mind and I closed my eyes, shaking my head slightly. He could never hurt me again. He had been dead for years. Well i guess now, he didn’t even exist yet.
"I'm sorry," i repeated.

Jezebel Marie PerezThe way Willow's face expressed her discomfort, sent a shiver down my spine. I stopped drumming, looking over to Serena, who was nearly on the verge of tears. I knew exactly what was going through her head. I put my hand on her's, the difference in our skin tones shockingly appearing.

Description: https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/y4/r/-PAXP-deijE.gifPandora FawnThe emotions coming off of all three of these women were strong. My clairsentience peeking through a bit, my ability to feel what others are feeling. My mind tries to wrap around each emotion, they all had stories to them. Two of them stronger than others. “Did you get your son back?" I asked Willow. I did not have kids, nor did I think I wanted them but they were something that was supposed to be special.

Willow HunterI breathed deeply to calm myself once again. "I did. By sheer luck it seems my husband, my son and I all got out of her house, and away from Appaloosa Plains." I chuckled, as my anger began to recede. "We actually moved to Moonlight Falls for a little while but things got complicated so we ended up moving to Hidden Springs. And thus ends my incredibly long back story"

Serena CooperI sigh. Taking it all in. This was a pretty crazy story. Just as crazy as my own. "How did you manage to get away? Is your sister still wreaking havoc in that town? I mean, it's seems like she would have tried to stop you." I look over at Pandora, who is staring at me.

Jezebel Marie PerezEveryone took a huge sigh as Willow finished her story. It seemed straight out of a book. It was just amazing and scary at the same time to see all these terrible things happen in the world. "I'm glad you guys got away safely. What happened with your sister?" I questioned eager for answers.

Pandora FawnMy eye catches the empty of color eyes that are Serena's, there was more to her.
Jezebel asked the question we were all wondering, what did happen to Willows sister. "It is a shame you had to leave The Falls, I live there.” I quickly piped in. "I am glad you got away from her, sounds like a psycho. Are you and your family safe now?" My eyes wandered in the store, hand under the table touching lightly and slowly to my thigh where my gun was kept.

Willow Hunter"Honestly when we got away is mostly a blur to me. My sister isn't an issue thought. She's a vegetable now. She's been in a coma ever since we left Appaloosa Plains," I smiled sadistically. "We're completely safe now. Aside from trying to stop a vampiric war from happening in Appaloosa Plains, but even then my family's safety isn't in question."

Serena Cooper"Willow, that's horrible. I'm so sorr-"
My mouth went dry as I caught a glimpse of something silver under the table. I pushed my chair away from the table and stood up. Stepping back a few feet. My mind was in panic mode, i couldn’t think straight. "What the fuck is that?" i asked Pandora, pointing at her leg.

Jezebel Marie Perez"That's a gun, Serena," I said sarcastically. As the words escaped my lips, Serena shivered and put her hands to her eyes, trying to stop the incoming tears.

Pandora FawnMy brow furrowed as Serena flipped out. I was surprised she managed to see it. "I own a gun... lots of them actually. I have my license to carry it. Is there a problem Serena?" I asked looking up at her, she was freaked out. I could feel her panic and fear.
"I am so sorry Willow. I did not mean to have this happen." I said to her.

Willow Hunter"It's absolutely fine, but Serena why are you so freaked out?" I was confused. What was so wrong with guns to her?

Serena CooperI backed away slowly, my back hitting the frosty pane of glass behind me. The coffee shop was empty now besides the few of us in here. "I'm not coming anywhere near that thing." I could feel the tears threatening to fall, although they wouldn’t because I couldn’t cry. I started to hyperventilate, holding my head in my hands.

Jezebel Marie Perez"It's ok," I said, comforting Serena. The other girls looked at me, confused at the whole situation.
"She's just had a very bad experience with guns. It's her PTSD kicking in."
I hated when she got like this. She just shut down entirely; the post-traumatic stress disorder taking full control.

Pandora Fawnstanding up at my chair I continued to watch Serena, the tears stinging her eyes. "You do not have to touch it nor be near it. I do not take it out unless there is a threat; I carry it with me all the time. I think I should have warned you about that last night. “I said with a slight smile.
"Please come sit, both of you." I said to Jez and Serena. The employees were starting to look worried and the last thing I needed was them thinking I was a threat.

Willow HunterI stood up and walked to Serena's side. "I don't know what happened Serena, but I'm sure Pandora wouldn't hurt you," I whispered as my maternal instincts took over.

Serena CooperMy breathing slowed and I buried my head in Bell's shoulder, slowing coming to my senses. I tried to talk but no sound came out. Instead I kind of just whimpered and put my face deeper into the fabric of her jacket.
She ran her fingers through my hair, whispering comforting words in my ear. She was used to this. The first time we went to the mall together was a nightmare. I had a mental breakdown in the middle of the hallway because a security guard had a gun.
"I'm s-sorry Pandora. Just. Please, don’t bring it out. Please."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Please don't," I begged Pandora. We all knew that Pandora would never do anything to harm Serena, yet she still shut down every time she saw a gun.
Honestly, I didn't quite fully know what had happened that caused Serena to develop PTSD. I just knew that she had lost a loved one in a shooting. Maybe she saw what had happened. She never told me the full story.

Pandora Fawn"Nothing to be sorry about. I get now that you have issues with guns, I am sorry I caused you to break down." I said as I watched Willow make her way over and whisper comforts as well. I had to try not to laugh out loud as my head thought how bad this looked.
Girl with a gun, that was not showing standing there and three other people in front of her looking scared. "It's okay" I told the employees, their faces fear stricken.
Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear I looked up to the three of you, "No one is going to get hurt." I promised them.

Willow HunterI placed my arm behind Serena and tried to gently usher her back into her seat. I felt so bad for her. What had happened to her that was so awful it caused her to break down just at the sight of a gun?
"Let's sit down before the employees have a heart attack," I chuckled once I noticed the looks we were getting.

Serena CooperI looked over at the guys that had been staring at me earlier. They were definitely staring now. I gestured to the door. "Maybe we should all head out to one of our houses? I'm not too keen on Pandora's just yet. No offense, But i mean, once we get there, someone else can tell their backstory."
I relenting released my grip on Jezebel's waist, wiping the tears off my face. My breathing had returned to normal but there was still a massive heaviness in my chest.

Jezebel Marie PerezOnce we finally got to Serena's place, I wrapped myself in all the blankets I could find. Sipping some tea, I leaned back into the comfortable chair. "So," I began, taking another sip, "what's your story, Pandora?"

Pandora Fawn"Not much to tell." I started, I unfortunately was not going to be that easy to get a story out of, and I never was. With my story there was a reason I was brought up to be a little guarded, to put up walls around certain things and pretend they never happened... while searching for revenge.
I folded my legs under me, glancing to the three interested faces staring back at me. "I am from Amsterdam and moved here when I was 6. My dad is a drunk who likes to sleep around and my mother is not around, haven't seen her in a very long time. I seem to have my father’s sexual appetite." I winked to no one in particular and twirled a strand of hair on my fingers. "I like guns; I know how to use them. I enjoy sex and talk about it openly."
Deciding on what else to say I stopped there, that was good for now.

Willow Hunter"Talk about short and to the point," I chuckled to myself. There was much more to this pink haired woman than I had originally thought.

Serena CooperI stared at Pandora. I was just as unwilling to share my story as she was, although I had already let some stuff slip to Willow and Jezebel knew just about everything. Except what happened at the shooting. No one knew that.
"Will you ever let us know the /rest/ of your story? Cause I have a feeling there is quite a bit more to you than that."
I shuddered at the thought of the gun attached to your leg and scooted closer to Bell on the couch, sharing her blankets

Jezebel Marie Perez"Go get your own, lady." I joked, moving the blanket to cover Serena as well. Everyone here seemed to have interesting back stories, while mine was just... boring compared to them.

Pandora Fawn"To the point is exactly how I like it. “I smiled at Willow. I could feel you all wondering what lied beneath the surface. My need for revenge and the story why could also be the very thing to get me into trouble.
"Did I mention I like to drink? A lot. And run. “My eyebrow rose at Serena's question, I had given her more information. I could be a smart ass sometimes.
Her shuddering reminds me again that guns were not her thing. I wondered to myself if she would like them if I were to teach her how to use them. I had taught a few people now.
Smiling at Jezebels heckling to Serena I turned the tables "How about you miss Jezebel, your story?"

Willow Hunter"Smartass..." I laughed at Pandora's response to Serena's question. "She does have a point though Jezebel. What's your story and how did you meet Serena?"

Serena CooperI smirked at Jezebel. Finding it hilarious that she picked on me so much. My constant sadness infuriated her. And my sarcasm drove her insane. And yet, ever since they had sent me back she had put up with me.

Jezebel Marie Perez"My story is relatively boring." I looked around the room to see the girls staring at me. Serena clenched my hand and I remembered back to the first time that I had met her. She almost blended into the snow; her skin so pale.

Pandora Fawn"You could start with small details, then how you and Serena met. You two seem to be inseparable. “I said watching as Jezebels hand was squeezed.
Shifting my weight I put my legs out in front of me, my knees were starting to hurt from being bent up.

Willow Hunter"You said you grew up in Hidden Springs, Why did you move away from their?" I asked. It was so sweet to watch the two of them. Seeing them gave me an idea of what sisters SHOULD act like even though they were biologically related.

Serena CooperI still remembered the first time I saw Jezebel. Her and some crazy chick ran into me at a park. The first thing she ever said to me was 'Don't you ever smile?'
"Oh Bell, I am sure you remember meeting me. Destiny didn’t like me at ALL at first. And you convinced her i was to be trusted. For some reason."
I remembered the pain I felt. How I didn’t stop crying for weeks. And you never understood it, constantly teasing me about my tears. And then I finally told you about Pierce, and you understood. Not that you stopped teasing.
That would never happen.

Jezebel Marie Perez"Well, Hidden Springs has always been a drama filled place. I don't do well with drama whatsoever." And it was true; Hidden Springs was a small, quiet town. But because it was so small, everybody knew each other well and rumors spread like wild fires.
"Besides, Bridgeport has way more opportunities for people in the show business as me!"
"I really don't think Destiny has fully warmed up to you get," I said to Serena, winking. "But yah, I remember the day i met you. You were such a sorry site to see; the snow creating a blanket around you, your face grim. "I'm really glad I gave you the chance though." I leaned closer to Serena, pulling the blanket closer to her.

Pandora Fawn"Show business?" I asked with curiosity. "What kind of show business? Are you a dancer?" My eyebrow wiggled at you.
Listening to the two girls talk it made me wonder what it would have been like to have someone close to me like that at a younger age. I had a best friend right now but she lived away from my town and was busy often. I did love the bitch though.

Willow Hunter"I model sometimes," I rolled my eyes. I could never see why people so desperately wanted me to be in their pictures half the time. "You wanna be an actress, singer, maybe a magician?"

Serena CooperI groaned when you made the Destiny comment. "Well fine then, i see how it is."
I had to stifle a giggle when Pandora asked Bell if she was a dancer. Dancing was completely NOT her thing.
I had a feeling all along that Destiny didn't trust me. I just couldn’t understand why. Maybe she knew I wasn’t worthy of her trust. I mean who wants to be close to a fallen angel?
Except Bell, but she was certifiably insane.
I stared at Willow when she said she was a model. Part of me wondered if she modeled in Bridgeport, maybe she knew Glenn...

Jezebel Marie Perez"You know she's just paranoid, Serena. Her mother talks about all that stuff and Destiny's mother said that a guardian angel died for her. She's just really touchy about that subject. It has nothing to do with you at all." I glanced at Serena a smirked at her, earning a wink back.
"And I'm an acrobat," I continued. "It's just been something I've been interested in since I was young. I was actually going to meet a proprietor when I ran into Serena."

Pandora Fawn"So you spend time flying through the air?" I asked picturing you doing flips while grabbing onto swinging objects or other people.
"Who the hell is Destiny?" I asked looking at both Jezebel and Serena. All of the talk about her yet no one said who she was.

Willow HunterI sat quietly and waited for Jezebel to respond to Pandora's questions. I would not have guessed acrobat for Jezebel, but the world is full of surprises.
I stared out the window for a moment as the snow fall began to lighten and started to hope the twins hadn't driven my husband insane yet.

Serena CooperI glared at you when you mentioned the word 'angel', glancing over at Pandora. Knowing her, she DEFINITELY picked up on it.
I had seen Jezebel doing her acrobatics. She was amazing. SHE looked like an angel when she was doing it. I laughed out loud at my inside joke. Immediately regretting it when Pandora fixed me with her piercing stare.
"Ahem, Destiny is Jezebel's OTHER best friend." I spat the word other, bitter a slight bit. I didn't like sharing her, but Destiny was there before i was.

Serena CooperI picked up on Willows uneasiness, she seemed to feel out of the loop somehow. "Willow, I hope you're okay. You seem worried."

Jezebel Marie Perez"Yup, I fly through the daily. It's actually quite fun if you know what you're doing. Otherwise, you'll end up falling." I laughed as I remembered the first couple times I tried to do a move that was way too difficult to manage. Breaking a couple of bones sure set me back quite a bit.

Pandora FawnMy eyes are still fixed on Serena as Jezebel starts to talk. I had called her angel when we went out to the bar the other night. Her light complexion and colorless eyes had reminded me of an angel from the photos.
Only thing missing was the yellow hair that normally went with the pictures. My brain racked at this information, something to keep in mind for later use.
"Sounds like fun, how many bones have you broken?" I asked
My arm reached out to touch Willows leg, I could sense the worry. "They are all fine." I smiled to her.

Willow HunterI jumped slightly at Pandora's touch. "Oh yeah I know." I laughed in an attempt to hide my embarrassment at having zoned out. "I'm fine Serena. I just left my poor husband home alone with our 3 year old twins, and they tend to be one hell of a hand full."

Serena CooperI smirked, remembering her falls. And her annoyance with me and the fact that i could have gotten up within minutes and walked away where as she was debilitated for months.
I can feel Pandora's eyes boring into me, but I refuse to look up, mine fixed on the beige carpeting I had paid so much money for.
I look up at Willow when she says my name, a huge smile on my face. "I would love to babysit them sometime! I love kids. I just can't have any." My smile faded a little as I said it

Jezebel Marie Perez"Kids are cool. I guess." I really didn't like kids nor did I like them at the same time. They just got on my last nerve. Didn't help that I had no patience what so ever.
I thought back and counted all the bones that I had broken since I was a little girl.
"8. Yah 8." So many broken arms and toes. Too many sprains to count.
"I see you fancy the carpet," I joked and Serena looked up, sticking her tongue out at me. "It's a nice carpet. And I think it might like you back. You guys are staring at each other like crazy!! I see some major chemistry. L-O-V-E"
Serena made a face, laughing then suddenly turned her head the other way and buried it into the blanket. She was probably thinking about Pierce.......

Pandora FawnSmirking to myself I had a silent laugh at Jezebels remark on kids, it appeared I was not the only one here was did not seem to like them. I keep being told that one day I will. Who the hell knows, I was lucky I did not have one now with my promiscuity.
"8 is not bad" I said not breaking the look I was giving to Serena, a smirk forming at Jezebels teasing.

Willow Hunter"Trust me Serena, you do NOT want to keep an eye on the twins. Kiara, maybe. Xander is an angel. Ryan and Rae are a recipe for pure insanity," I laughed to myself thinking of all the pranks they're already pulled on their older siblings. "Don't get me wrong, they're sweet kids. Just mischievous"

Serena CooperI erupted into giggles at Bell's jabs at me. Until she mentioned the word chemistry, and then I just, crumbled. I couldn't cry but boy could I feel the pain. The only thing I had left of Pierce was memories. I wished I could kiss him. One more time. Maybe someday I would. But that didn't seem anywhere near likely. He wouldn’t exist for about a hundred years. And who knew where I would be by then....
I could still feel Pandora's eyes on me. I kind of wanted to throw a pillow at her. Instead I curled up closer to Bell and stared once more at my carpet. I figured eventually she would address me, but it hadn’t happened yet so i remained hopeful.
Maybe she would save it for when we were alone... Probably not. ahah.
I smile at Willow and wink. "I think i can handle them. I was pretty crazy myself!" Pandora is still staring at me, but i quickly look away from Willow and back at the floor.

Jezebel Marie Perez"You sure you can?" I asked Serena. "Kids are quite a handful. I don't even know how the challenge mothers are able to do that. It just seems almost impossible!"

Pandora Fawn"How old are they?" I asked finally breaking my look from Serena. Her empty eyes only catching mine once. "What the hell is a challenge mother?" I asked Jezebel. I was sure whatever it was it was not something I wanted any part of.
I reached for my glass of water, the talking leaving my mouth dry. Taking a drink I tried not to once again stare at Serena, there was just something about her. I pondered if I could get close enough to touch her.

Willow HunterI laughed, almost hysterically at Jezebel's comment about challenge moms. "Almost all of my best friends are challenge moms."
I stared at Pandora in shock. "You don't know about challenge moms? I guess that's not too big of a surprise considering I'm not aware of any living in Moonlight Falls." This was new to meet someone who didn't know what challenge moms were. Especially for me considering how many I had as friends. Needless to say, I had difficulty trying to explain it without making my best friends sound like whores. "It's basically a woman/mom who decides to try to 100 kids. That's really all there is too it."

Serena CooperI sigh. Challenge mothers. That seemed entirely too familiar. I had heard legends of them, but they weren’t really happening too often around the time i was alive. Or around Pierce's time. I felt like maybe he had said something about one before.
I sighed, looking up and watching Pandora take a drink. She seemed to really want to get to know me. I didn't understand it. If she knew who I was she more than likely wouldn't want anything to do with me. I was the definition of a sinner.
Maybe there was something different about her too.
She set her drink down, empty and I stood up, taking it. "I'll get you some more if you want. Or maybe something stronger."
She raised an eyebrow at me. Jezebel giggled behind me. And Willow just kind of looked confused.
"Anyone else want something while I'm gone?"

Jezebel Marie Perez"Nah thanks." I didn't really want anything, to be honest. "Challenge mothers are all over in sunset valley. They're ever where. It's actually kind of crazy. So many families. I heard it's hard to keep track who's who's kid! But, I guess they make up for all those who aren't interested in having children." I looked up to Pandora and she smiled at my joke. I winked back at her.

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